Curriculum Night Information

Dear Parents,

Welcome to grade 6!!

Your child is embarking on a new year at St. Cecilia’s Catholic school and it is our pleasure to teach and ensure that your child has a fun, successful year. The handout attached is prepared to give you some insights as to what to expect over the course of this school year.

We are looking forward to working with you this year as we help your child experience all the joys of learning and offer assistance in any way we can.  Therefore, please feel free to contact us via your child’s agenda, email and/or at school (416-393-5218).

Prayer for the Start of Year
A reading from Paul’s Letter to the Colossians

As God’s chosen ones, holy and beloved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, meekness, and patience.  Bear with one another and if anyone has a complaint against another, forgive each other; just as the Lord has forgiven you, so you also must forgive.

Above all, clothe yourselves with love, which binds everything together in perfect harmony.  And let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, to which indeed you were,
called in the one body.

And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.


This year students will be receiving an Elementary Progress Report Card in late autumn (discussing learning skills and work habits) and two provincial report cards in January and June, with letter grades.

Some of the following means of evaluation are considered: tests, in class assignments, quizzes, take home assignments, projects, (both individually and in groups) etc.
A - to A+             Excellent               80 - 100 %      Level 4

B- to B+              Very Good            70- 79   %       Level 3

C- to C+              Satisfactory          60- 69  %        Level 2

D- to D+              Needs Impro.       50 - 59 %         Level 1

R                         Redo                    Below 50%     Working Below Grade Level

INC                      Incomplete

Homework: Students will have approximately 30 to 60 minutes of homework per night.  Students are expected to turn in quality, completed homework at the beginning of the lesson on the day it is due. Please check your child’s agenda or blog for homework information. If homework is incomplete, this could result in a homework notice being sent home to be signed by a guardian, a phone call, or a detention during recesses.

Blog address

 Absences: If absent, students are responsible for getting homework assignments from a classmate, blog, etc. Absent students are usually given one extra day for to complete assigned exercises/assignments that were assigned during their absence. If the student is absent on a scheduled test or project due day, they must be prepared to take the test or hand in the project on the day they return to school. We will make every effort to ensure that your child receives the necessary resources. For example: a sibling will be sent home with schoolwork.

Expectations for All Assignments: To use neat, legible writing, correct spelling, etc. All assignments should be complete in blue or black ink or electronically, except for math which requires pencil, or when indicated otherwise by the classroom teacher. Students are expected to take pride in their work and to complete all assigned work to the best of their abilities.

The expectations for all members of the student body have been included in the agenda planner, which your child received during the first week of school.  Please feel free to review these expectations with your child.

As well, in our classes we have added some additional expectations that are specific and appropriate to a conducive, safe, and positive learning environment.

A reminder that:

Electronic planners, hand-held computers or cellphones are not acceptable for use in the classroom. These devices must be kept in student backpacks and turned off before entering the school building. If a student is found with a cellphone at their seat or during (recess) breaks, the cellphone will be taken from the student and a parent must retrieve it from the Principal.

Scholastic Book Orders: Will be distributed occasionally. Parents are kindly asked to make all payments in the form of a cheque, made payable to Scholastic Canada Inc.  Thank you to all parents in advance for their cooperation.

Physical Education:
Gym classes are scheduled in the afternoon portion of the day.

Healthy living will be studied this year.  It will be studied in the afternoon portion of the day
Library: our book exchange date is 

Text:  Nelson Mathematics – Year 6
Workbook and supplementary materials
Strands:   Number Sense and Numeration
                 Geometry and Spatial Sense
                 Patterning and Algebra
                 Data Management and Probability

Please feel free to visit the following website for additional practice: and our math enrichment practice on the blog under math.

Language Arts:
(Reading, Writing, Oral communication, Media Literacy)

Grammar Text:  Language Power D; supplemented as required by Communicating Skills 6
Reading Text: supplemented resources
Novel Study: My Childhood Under Fire / City of Ember
Literature Circles
Supplementary Resources

Text:   Science and Technology Activities Resource
Strands (in no particular order): 
                Life Systems – Biodiversity
                Matter and Energy – Electricity and Electrical Devices
                Structures and Mechanisms – Flight
                Earth and Space Systems – Space
Delivered by Mr. MacLeod

Our Instrumental music classes are scheduled for Tuesday mornings from 10:10 am to 10:45 am.  

Social Studies: 

This program will be studied in the afternoon portion of the day

Strands:  Heritage and Identity – Communities in Canada Past and Present               
People and Environment’s: Canada’s Interactions with the Global Community

This program will be studied in the afternoon portion of the day.

Text:  You Shall Be My Witness /Grade 6
Family Life
Text:  Fully Alive/Book 6

Studied in the afternoon.

Visual Arts/Drama
This program will be studied in the afternoon

EQAO (Education Quality and Accountability Office):
The administration of the Grade 6 EQAO Testing will take place toward the end of May and/or beginning of June.

We will be reviewing and preparing for EQAO throughout the year.
Please do not hesitate to visit the following visit to familiarize yourself (with your child) with sample tests and other information regarding EQAO

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